CCA is a non-denominational not for profit community service organisation that has been delivering services for over 50 years.

CCA was established in 1965 to “provide help to the needy through a trained social worker and voluntary helpers” in an area “two miles around Eastwood Methodist Church”. A legacy of £1300 given to the Church to support such work was used to launch CCA. Within 18 months CCA was receiving support from every denomination in the Eastwood-Epping district. From these small beginnings, CCA has now grown into a multi-service organisation providing community services to multiple local government areas in Sydney. We assist people to access appropriate services and networks through personalised and timely support. CCA enables community members to focus on achieving outcomes that are important and meaningful to them.

Our Focus

We are problem solvers and game changers combating against poverty, violence, discrimination, and inequality. United we work for the health, wellbeing, education, safety, and financial stability of every person in our community.

Our Vision

Every Australian community, the families, children, young people and the elderly, thrives.

Our Mission

Engage with the vulnerable and disadvantaged Australians to enable better lives.

What We Do

1. Collaboration
Unite community, business, philanthropy, government, and social purpose organisations in collaborative action to improve education, employment, health and housing outcomes in communities experiencing disadvantage. We act in collaboration with strategic partners to support disadvantaged families, to take crucial steps each day towards becoming self-sufficient and independent.

2. Advocate
We understand local issues through community conversations, correlating data, mapping services and identifying gaps.

3. Stewardships
Manage our costs, mobilise resources securing the long-term investment of funds, skills and networks to tackle complex social issues.

4. Excellence
Deliver excellence in client service. The people we served regards us as a partner of choice that helps them experience the life they never thought possible.

5. Research & Evidence Based
Develop and deliver outcome focused services and programs grounded in research and evidence-informed practice that respond effectively and efficiently to the needs of the disadvantaged children, young people, families, older people and communities we help.

6. Quality Services
Engage vulnerable and disadvantaged families, provide them with financial assistance through our emergency relief and financial counselling programs.
We help families to discover pathways for children and young people to be healthy, safe, resilient and ready for life.
Provide healthy ageing services and home support for older people and people with disability.

7. Innovation
Innovate to support healthy ageing and services that promote connections between generations and to the community.

Our Values

1. Respect
We acknowledge and honour the fundamental value and dignity of all individuals. We pledge ourselves to creating and maintaining a society that respects diverse traditions, heritages, and experiences.

2. Strengthening Community
CCA facilitates individuals and communities to support and sustain each other.

3. Integrity
Integrity underpins CCA’s service provision. We act honestly and ethically. We are trustworthy and accountable in all interactions. We are custodians of resources for the benefit of the community.

4. Social Justice
CCA is inspired by Christian values of love, care, service, inclusion and valuing the individual. Our work is underpinned by a commitment to advancing the well-being of individuals, communities and our society as a whole. Everyone has a right to economic, political and social opportunities.

5. Cooperation
CCA practices collaboration and participation.

6. Independence
CCA is an independent organisation committed to being open, transparent and autonomous.

Our Code of Conduct

When you are dealing with CCA you can always expect the following from our staff:

  • To always be treated with respect.
  • To always be treated fairly, regardless of ethnicity, gender, status or sexual orientation.
  • To always be heard.
  • To always be treated with empathy, care and consideration.
  • To communicate with you in your preferred language and medium, wherever possible.
  • To have the highest level of confidentiality maintained, except where mandatory reporting requirements are met.
  • To have your private information stored securely.
  • To offer you quality, strengths based and person centered services.

If you ever feel that the above has not been afforded to you, please provide feedback via our complaints processes.

  • Staff, volunteers and any other consumers are to be treated with respect at all times. No aggression, violence or inappropriate behavior will be tolerated.
  • Accept decisions that are made by management, including access to services and eligibility.
  • Follow all WHS directions including requirements relating to COVID 19.

Any breach to these expectations may lead to services being denied or terminated.

Our Commitment
  • We are future-focused, client centred and developing innovative approaches and programs to support the community.
  • Research and evaluation focussed, measuring the outcomes and assessing the effectiveness of our support and programs.
  • Using evaluation and regular reporting to drive continual improvement across our organisation.
  • Efficient, commercially-minded and effective in the pursuit of social impact
  • Collaborating with others because collectively we achieve more
  • Creating maximum impact on future life outcomes.

CCA acknowledges the Wallumedegal people, the traditional owners and custodians of the land on which our premises stand.

How We Are Funded

CCA receives support from individuals, families, churches and church fellowships, corporate organisations, service organisations, businesses, community groups and associations. This support includes financial assistance, grocery items, gift vouchers and in-kind donations. CCA is proactive in applying for grant funding from philanthropic, corporate and government sources. Click below for a comprehensive list of supporting organisations.

Where does the money go?
0% Service Delivery

We work hard to maximise every dollar we receive. In 2023, 100% of our income went towards service delivery to support those in need. Our structure ensures we don’t rely on a single income source and at the same time, adding value to government-funded services by making the best use of our existing resources, knowledge and partnerships. Our structure allows us to maximise the funds that go directly towards helping people in need. Click below for more detail on how we use our funds.

CCA Annual Report