Which suburbs do we cover?

CCA operates Family Day Care in Beecroft, Carlingford, Denistone East, Dundas, Dundas Valley, Eastwood, Epping, Ermington, Gladesville, Lidcombe, Marsfield, Melrose Park, Newington, North Epping, North Parramatta, Oatlands, North Rocks, North Ryde, Rydalmere, Ryde, West Pennant Hills, West Ryde.

Waiting List

Complete our online Waiting List application to have your child’s name put on our waiting list. If you don’t need care to commence within the next 2 months, then the on-line application is the best way to have your details put on the list.

If you require more urgent placement please contact our Placement Officer on 9874 0066 or email to fdc@ccas.org.au.

Interview and Educator placement

Once you are on our waiting list and when a placement becomes available we will contact you and organise a suitable time to come into our office for an enrolment interview.

What to bring with you to the interview:

  • Copy of your child’s birth certificate or passport
  • Your medicare details
  • Your Child Care benefit numbers – CRN, both your family number and your child’s number
  • Details of your local Doctor
  • The details of two emergency contact people we can call in an emergency where we are unable to contact you
  • A copy of your child’s immunisation status. This must be the government Immunisation History register and not your child’s ‘Bluebook’.
    See: http://www.humanservices.gov.au/customer/services/medicare/medicare-online-services
  • $50 non refundable enrolment fee, payable by cash or cheque

During the interview we will explain some of our important policies and procedures and we will explain how placement with your Educator works. We will provide you with the details of one or two Educators so that you can go and visit them and decide where you would like to place your child.

It is up to you to ring the Educators and arrange to visit them at a convenient time. You need to then advise us in the office within 24 hours if you want to accept the Educators place or not.

We have over 60 Educators and many of them do not have places available. We will try to place your child with an Educator who suits your needs, is easy for you to travel to, and who will provide the best environment and programme of activities for your child. If you do not feel comfortable with an Educator we refer you to, we are more than happy to refer you to a different Educator.


All Educators with CCA Family Day Care set their own fees, within the service minimum and maximum fee, and these will be discussed at your interview with the Educator. Your Educator will provide you with a schedule of their fees.

CCA Family Day Care has core standard hours from 8am to 6pm each day. Educators will charge their standards hourly fee during these hours. Outside these hours Educators can charge extra fees – these are non standard hours.

Your Educator will not charge fees if they are on holidays or not operating their service due to some other circumstance.

Fees are still payable if your child is absent due to holidays or illness. This could include the period between Christmas and New Year if your Educator is working during that time.

Fees are also payable if your child’s regular day falls on a public holiday.

Child Care Subsidy

Each time your child goes into care at the Educators you must sign them in and out using Harmony Web. Every family member or authorized person who drops off or picks up your child needs to be issued an individual PIN to sign your child in or out. Please contact the office to be issued a PIN. Your sign in and out times, extra days, absent days and weekly fee amount will be shown on the timesheet and you need to use your PIN to approve the timesheet each week. The timesheets are then submitted to the office for approval before being processed through the child care subsidy system on a fortnightly basis.

To register for Child Care Subsidy, contact your local Family Assistance Office, visit www.humanservices.gov.au or phone 136150.

The National Quality Framework or NQF is a national legislative framework developed to create a uniform national approach to the regulation and quality of all Early Childhood education services in Australia. All services are Approved to operate and governed by the:

  • Education and Care Services National Law and the
  • Education and Care Services National Regulations.

The Department of Education and Community are the Regulatory Authority in NSW and are responsible for administering the National Quality Framework for all early childhood services in NSW.

There is also a national body which oversees the NQF to ensure consistent and effective implementation of the system. This body is the Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority or ACECQA.

For information and newsletters regarding the National Quality Framework go to:


What are the National Quality Standards?

The National Quality Standards are embedded in the national Regulations and they set a national benchmark for the quality of early childhood education and care services.

The National Quality Standard is divided into 7 quality areas:

  1. Educational programme and practice
  2. Children’s health and safety
  3. Physical environment
  4. Staffing arrangements
  5. Relationships with children
  6. Collaborative partnerships with families and communities
  7. Governance and leadership

Overall the National Quality Standards aim to promote the safety, health and wellbeing of children and focus on children achieving outcomes through the delivery of high quality programmes.

What is Assessment and Rating?

All Approved services are assessed and rated against each of the 7 quality areas and given an overall rating. The Assessment and rating process aims to drive continuous quality improvement at services and provide families with better information for making choices about their child’s education and care.

To view a service rating go to:


National Learning Frameworks

In Australia, we have 2 learning frameworks- The Early Years Learning Framework for 0-5 years, and My Time, Our Place for 5-12 years.

Early Years Learning Framework

The Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) is an early childhood curriculum framework, which guides early childhood educators in developing quality, early childhood education programmes. The framework describes the principles, practice and outcomes to support and enhance young children’s learning from birth to five years, as well as their transition to school. This will help ensure consistency in the delivery of learning programmes around Australia.

The Early Years Learning Framework has been developed collaboratively by the Australian and state and territory governments with substantial input from the child care and early learning sector and early childhood academics. The framework included feedback from an extensive consultation process, including two national symposiums, national public consultation forums, focus groups, an online forum and case-study trials. Parents can be confident that the framework supports early childhood educators to focus their practice on delivering quality learning opportunities for young children. The Early Years Learning Framework underpins universal access to early childhood education and has been included in the National Quality Standard to ensure delivery of nationally-consistent and quality early childhood programmes across the country.

Please see the following links to take a look at the EYLF document in more detail:

Belonging, Being and Becoming: The Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) V2.0 2022:

The Indigenous EYLF http://reintheey.weebly.com/uploads/2/0/0/3/20032421/belongingbeingbecomingindigenousversion.compressed.pdf

My Time, Our Place

My Time, Our Place provides information and documents relating to the Framework for School Age Care. It supports  educators working with school age children in outside school hours care, long day care, and family daycare settings. This site is also home to a lively and supportive.

This Framework builds on the Early Years Learning Framework and extends the principles, practice and outcomes to accommodate the contexts and age range of the children and young people who attend school age care settings.The Framework ensures that children in school age care have opportunities to engage in leisure and play-based experiences which contribute fully to their ongoing development.


My time, Our Place Framework

My Gov
You can register for Child Care Subsidy, download immunisation forms and communicate with Centrelink via your My Gov account.

Go to: https://my.gov.au

Claiming Child Care Subsidy

Family Day Care Australia

NSW Family Day Care Association

NSW In-Home Care

Early Childhood Australia

Family & Community Services

Australian Children’s Education and Care Quality Authority

Raising Children

Parent Line

Munch & Move:

Be You (formerly Kids Matter)